D&B 30: Turning Thirty with Shannon Drayer

Holy forking shirt we are back at it folks! After an episode off we are back at it again with the awesome guests. This episode David, Scott, and Nathan are joined by 710 ESPN’s Shannon Drayer, who has been covering the team for a number of years close listeners and basic mathematicians will figure out on their own.

Shannon talks spring, trumpets, Jeremy Reed Redemption, and laments the State of Felix. She also pretends to hang up on us, which we richly deserve. We sure are thankful to her for joining us, and to you for continuing to listen to…..whatever it is this is.

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(Music Credits: Peter Gabriel, The University of Washington Marching Band, Maggie Rogers)

Dome and Bedlam Podcast
D&B 30: Turning Thirty with Shannon Drayer
